Memeplexes in the Ukrainian information landscape: An onomastic path
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onymic memeplex
proper name


This paper is an effort to present our understanding of onyms as memetic entities. Here we made an attempt to define and analyse the essential characteristics of memeplexes and proper names. The analysis of the traditional and modern approaches to proper names is offered. According to these views, a proper name can be regarded as a concept, it defines a unique phenomenon and is actualised by social convention, thus being embedded into the onomastic landscape. These characteristics over lap with those of memeplexes. The study proposes insight into the similar features of memeplexes and Ukrainian proper names and concentrates on the defining aspects of memetic onyms (onymic memeplexes). An onymic memeplex is seen as any proper name possessing memetic qualities. All memeplexes are highly likely to possess the following key features: rapid spread, expression of social and cultural norms, longevity, adaptability, variability, revealing collective identity and defining cultural heritage. These aspects have many iterations in national and international onomastic landscapes.
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