Studying microtoponymy in Belarus: The main achievements of the last 60 years
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The article presents an assessment of the work done by Belarusian researchers for almost 60 years in the field of microtoponymy studies. This analysis was made possible by the creation of an electronic bibliography on Belarusian microtoponymy at Jakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Due to the lack of such publication database previously, researching the names of small geographical objects in the country was complicated. Until recently this process had been disorganized, but today there are grounds and opportunities to rectify such situation.
An important feature of the electronic bibliography on Belarusian microtoponymy is the availability to select fields as “Region” and “District”, which can be used to sort the publications. This option makes it possible to assess what has been done in certain regions of Belarus in particular. In other words, this publication database can be used to identify the locations where names of small geographical objects have not been collected and/or have not been researched.
Moreover, the electronic bibliography on Belarusian microtoponymy revealed that for almost 60 years only four candidate dissertations and only two monographs have been devoted to local microtoponyms in the country. However, the low attractiveness of microtoponyms as an object of research in Belarus is partially rectified by a number of comprehensive dissertations and monographs where the names of small geographical objects are analyzed along with oikonyms and/or hydronyms.
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