Onomasticon of ancient (Graeco-Roman) pedigree in Marek Krajewski’s crime novels
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proper name
Graeco-Roman antiquity
crime novel
Marek Krajewski


Proper names derived from the nexus of the ancient Graeco-Roman tradition, namely of Greek and
Latin languages, are due to cultural and identity-related reasons a vital component of the contemporary
Polish language namespace. These onyms mostly belong to such varieties of Polish as academic,
literary/bookish, and are mostly written. In onomastics they are considered transmitters of modernday
popular culture among whose products features the crime novel aimed at the mass reader. The
present exploration or first approximation, with its qualitative rather thsn quantitative (statistical)
character, sets out to try to present, arrange, classify, and describe the ways in which a recipient is
onymically referred to the cultures of antiquity within Marek Krajewski’s eight crime stories, paying
particular attention to their functional aspect and onymic status. The research should form part
of cultural onomastics and literary onomastics as well as other linguistic disciplines such as lexicology
and phraseology/phrasematics. The excerpts of the novels contain: (a) onyms of ancient origin
used in their primary sense to identify and differentiate the referents associated with the culture of
classical antiquity (e.g. the personal names of the men of culture of Antiquity and of philosophy);
(b) proper names based on onyms or appellatives deriving from classical languages and antiquity;
(c) ancient eponymisms, or common names taken at their root from ancient nomina propria, appellative
derivatives stemming from Greek or Latin onyms among them; and (d) eponymous phrasemes
incorporating either onyms of ancient pedigree or the appellatives and derivatives they gave rise to.
The linguistic tapestry thus reviewed is a testimony to antiquity’s impact on Polish, whose facets
clearly reflects its multicultural and intertextual nature. At the same time, it displays how antiquity
is received in Polish culture as an ongoing process but here of the popular sort.

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