Surnames of Poles as a culture text and basis of research into community self-narration
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cognitive function of anthroponyms
community vision of the world


The article contributes to the research into the modern system of surnames of Poles as a culture text which can become a basis for reconstructing community self-narrations. The presented perspective takes into consideration the following assumptions: 1. Narration naturally accompanies cognition. 2. Personal proper names (i.e. anthroponyms) have a unique ontological and epistemological status in the anthropocentric cognitive system. 3. An anthroponym is a message determined by cognitive needs and the system of values of a given linguistic and cultural community. In order to reconstruct narrations embedded in surnames it is proposed that the following steps be adopted: 1) perform statistical analysis concerned with the number of onymic derivation sets, 2) undertake semantic studies considering the level of categorization of appellatives which motivate the creation of surnames, 3) adopt endocentric and exocentric perspectives in the analysis of descriptive functions of anthroponyms which belong to particular motivation-formal types.
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