Clifford Geertz w onomastyce? Refleksje na marginesie lektury monografii Artura Rejtera „Nazwy własne w kon/tekstach kultury”
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Clifford Geertz
opis gęsty
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Clifford Geertz in Onomastics? A Few Thoughts after Reading Artur Rejter’s Book “Proper Names in Con/texts of Culture”

The article is an attempt to reflect upon the way in which some terms coming from modern anthropology (local knowledge, thick description) can be used in studies regarding proper names in the cultural and social perspective. This anthropological way of thinking has been presented in Artur Rejter’s new book “Proper Names in Con/texts of Culture”. The author of the article shows that studying culture through proper names must entail the widening of the variety of scientific methods and strategies and adding those used in social studies and humanities.
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