The article refers to the opinion of J. S. Bystroń, according to which the children born in unmarried relationships were given original, unused in a given environment names, what was supposed to stigmatize them as born in sin. The study collects the names of illegitimate children born in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene in Działoszyn from the years 1808–1867 and 1892–1900. For comparison, the names of children and their parents from 1811, 1831, 1841, 1861 and 1892 were collected. In addition, they were compiled with names occurring in Działoszyn from the 16th to the 18th centuries. The conclusions drawn show that non-typical, rare names are used for illegitimate children more often than for other children. However, giving such names was not a rule. This phenomenon requires further detailed research.
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