A Name in a Buttonhole — Onymy in Poetic Texts (Based on the Example of Bruno Jasieński’s Poetry)
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literary onomastics
proper names in poetry
Bruno Jasieński


A Name in a Buttonhole — Onymy in Poetic Texts (Based on the Example of Bruno Jasieński’s Poetry)

This article addresses the issue of the interpretation of proper names in poetry. The state of research on the functions of proper names in literature is well described, but it is possible to note the lack of a fixed interpretation strategy in poetry which means that, despite little interest in poetry, its researchers often try to propose their own methods of analysis. The authors of the article, who tackle onyms in the poetry of Bruno Jasieński, present their own methodological approach to the matter, based on B. Waldenfels’ concept of the “phenomenology of the alien”.

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