Polish and Ukrainian names of companies of sweets and their products in a comparative approach
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main brand
name of sweets
naming message


The subject of the article is the unique nature of Polish and Ukrainian names of sweets, the motives for their creation and the sociopolitical and cultural circumstances in which they were formed. A comparative analysis showed that both Polish and Ukrainian names shape the image of these products in a similar way. They inform the potential customer about the interior of the product (i.e. the product content, its taste, as well as the type of sweets) and about its outer side, i.e. its texture, shape and function. Other elements of the characteristics go beyond the physically experienced object. They relate to its market characteristics and create the image of its recipients, inherently embedded in the product name, not only specifying their character (sports fans, students, children, adults, or the elderly), but also suggesting the season and time of day when particular products can be enjoyed. The names also specify the place and the occasion for possible tasting, emphasizing the important values of the food product: its local / regional character and its originality. Ukrainian names express regionalism in two ways: by reference to old brand names from the USSR times and by their translation into Ukrainian, and — to a much lesser extent, compared to Polish names — by endonyms. In the Ukrainian marketing space, in contrast with the Polish one, foreign names are also very popular. In Ukrainian brand names, names from color terms are more numerous, similarly to the titles of literary works and the names of their heroes.

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