The Javelin and Bayraktar chrematonyms in modern Ukrainian military discourse: semantics, pragmatics and functional load
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armonym (names of weapon)
military discourse


The Russian–Ukrainian war entered every Ukrainian home and this is reflected in the daily military discourse. Many new military lexemes, including numerous chrematonyms, have appeared in the speech of every Ukrainian. One of the most popular words of the Ukrainian military discourse in 2022 emerged from this class of proper names — the chrematonyms Javelin and Bayraktar, the semantics, pragmatics and functional load of which are analyzed in this study. The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that the phenomenon of chrematonymy is understudied and consists in a new anthropocentric approach to the study of the chrematonymy problem. The purpose of the article is to investigate the functioning of the specified proper names of weapons, to reveal their culturally informative cumulativeness, onymic potential and axiological possibilities in neonomination. It has been proven that the chrematonyms Javelin and Bayraktar turned from neologisms to commonly used words in a short time; they also occupied an important place in the system of onymic area, which is evidenced by their common knowledge, frequency of use, functioning in various styles of speech, Internet memes, and pop culture. The onomasiological approach made it possible to find out the productivity of the analyzed chrematonyms in the creation of new onyms, the relationship between onymic units in the process of their formation, as well as the socio-cultural determination of neonomination and appellativeization of proper names (de-onymization). It was established that the analyzed military chrematonyms are a source for the creation of new onyms (in particular, anthroponyms) as a result of a positive connotation caused by extralingual socio-cultural factors. A linguistic-cultural approach to chrematonyms opens up the perspective of studying the names of weapons as a cultural code, because weapons are one of the oldest artifacts created by man.
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