The paper aims to describe and evaluate the handling of proper names in Za jakie grzechy, dobry Boże?, the Polish version of one of the French highest-grossing movies Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au Bon Dieu? by Philippe de Chauveron, 2014. The English title of this comedy was Serial (Bad) Weddings. The study material was chosen because of the variety of functions performed by proper names, especially the use of anthroponyms as invectives in order to produce a comic effect. Nine techniques for dealing with proper names have been identified: translation, transfer, explanation, replacement by an established equivalent in the target language, replacement by a functional equivalent, replacement by another proper name, replacement by a common name, use of two or more techniques, omission. A two-part evaluation of the translator’ conduct has been applied: followed by the determination of whether he used the correct technique, determination whether he applied it correctly. The proposed critical method takes into account the complex nature of proper names (its phonic and graphic form, meaning, style, function, relation to the bearer) as well as the polysemiotic nature of the film. It was concluded that the Polish translator Piotr Zielinski, author of the voiceover version, succeeded in conveying the meaning, function and style of proper names.
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