The paper presents an interpretation of urban toponymy, understood as a whole, as an emanation of the Polish cultural canon. In sociological terms, the canon of culture is a collection of topoi and characters of special significance to a given collectivity. As such, it constitutes a kind of collective memory and “common knowledge” that should be known to all participants in a given cultural community. Representations of this canon are school programs, cultural texts, anniversaries and other vehicles of memory — including commemorative naming. In this paper, the commemorative names of streets and squares will be interpreted as an emanation of the Polish cultural canon in banalized form — similarly to Billig's concept of banal nationalism. Urban names, because of their fixation in space, are reified carriers of values and memory and, by being practiced in everyday communication, they are naturalized and function as banal “reminders.” Banality of this kind paradoxically constitutes their strength. Values perpetuated in this way become elements of everyday social practices, and thus penetrate to the level of behavior without the need for forcible introduction and perpetuation — thus strengthening the national canon of culture.
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