Linguistic-cultural image of parts of the human body (the hand, the leg and their elements) preserved in German and Polish surnames
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linguistic image of the human body
Polish surnames
German surnames


The subject of this article is the linguistic-cultural image of external parts of the human body demonstrated in the light of selected Polish and German surnames taken from anthroponymic lexicons. The linguistic image of the human body results from the various and unrepeatable experiences of a given linguistic community and constitutes an exceptional image. Through its analysis, it is possible to discover the psychosocial mechanisms reflecting the manner of perception and conceptualisation of somatic units such as: hand and leg embraced in a broader conceptual framework of the entire human body. The collection of preserved surnames imparts, on the one hand, knowledge at the level of colloquial language: description of the human body and its parts provides information on its dimensions, shape and colour; on the other hand, it indicates its metaphorical use, creating a model of nomination of a person on the basis of characteristic features of appearance or the connotations invoked by their appellative meaning in the receiver’s awareness, further influencing the expressive value of this type of surname. A contrastive analysis has indicated a similar manner of creation of the mentioned personal names in Polish and German, which results from the same perception of people through their external appearance subject to evaluation.
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