Nazwy własne w strukturze metafor pojęciowych
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Słowa kluczowe

nazwy własne
teoria metafory
metafora pojęciowa
językoznawstwo kognitywne


The present paper examines the issue of conceptual metaphors related to proper names. According to the Lakoff/Johnson’s theory, two types of metaphor are sustained – orientational metaphors and ontological metaphors. The author shows how proper names may be a part of source domains, as well as how they function within the new metaphorical expressions. Some examples from the Polish lexicon are discussed, e.g. the names of Himalaya, Mount Everest, Marian Ditch, Waterloo and the like. Some conceptual metaphors, such as the figuration of the state as a human being, and other sub-metaphors which can be derived from this, are also examined. Proper names may function within the metaphorical expressions due to their specificity, and because their denotata are closer to the human experience.
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