Linguistic and cultural interferences in the urbanonymy of Przemyśl
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linguistic and cultural borderline


Przemyśl used to be a fortified border town between the Kingdom of Poland and Kievan Rus. The influence of various languages, religions or nationalities existed in that area for centuries, and the numerous traces of such interference can be observed in the toponymy of the region. The aim of this article is to attempt to answer the question to what degree the complex linguistic and national and religious relations have been reflected in both contemporary and old urban names, which are younger and more changeable than settlement names.
The impact of the location of a fortified town was analyzed, as well as the reflection of national (the ethnic border) and religious (the multiconfessionalism of city dwellers) relationships in urbanonyms and linguistic interference. The conducted analysis has shown that the complicated past of the region has had only a slight impact on the contemporary onomastics, but cannot be ignored. The influence of the language and culture of ethnic and religious minorities on the urbanonyms is mostly noticeable in the names motivated by religion, and less so in localizing, cultural or commemorative names.
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