The name Stanisław and its derivatives in the oikonymy of Poland in its historical and cultural aspect
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Christian name of Slavic origin
derivative forms
deanthroponymic oikonyms
chronological layers


The article is devoted to Polish deanthroponymic oikonyms created from the name Stanisław and its derivatives. The aim of the paper was to show the frequency of one of the most popular male names and its numerous derivative forms in place names, both the oldest ones, created by the end of the 16 th century, and newer ones, created later in the 18 th century, and especially in the 19 th and in the first half of the 20 th centuries. The name Stanisław was the basis of few (approx. 10) toponyms (patronymic with the suffix -ice, possessive with -j-, -ów, -owo) included in the oldest naming layer. Many more medieval oikonyms (about 30) have as their basis the derivatives of the name Stanisław (Stan/Stań, Staniek, Stańko, Stasz(o), Staś, Stanisz, Stachel, Stanięta, *Stanom(a), *Stanim(a), *Staniątek). These are possessive names with suffixes -ew, -ewo, -ów, -owo, -owa, -in, -ówka, patronymic names ending with -owice, -ewice, -ęta and plural names Stany, Staniątki. The 18 th century bestowals refer to 9 place names from the name Stanisław and about 9 from its derivatives, while approx. 70 oikonyms with a full name in the base and approx. 20 toponyms motivated by shortened form of compound name come from the 19 th and 20 th centuries. Many of names are certainly related to the cult of St. Stanislaus. Among them there are also names commemorating King Stanisław August Poniatowski and founders of settlements. Over a dozen toponyms were officially introduced after 1945 to replace German or Germanized names with Polish ones.

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