Ukrainian Oeconyms in the Context of Decommunization Processes in Central and Eastern Europe at the End of the 20th and Beginning of the 21st
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geographic names


Ukrainian Oeconyms in the Context of Decommunization Processes in Central and Eastern Europe at the End of the 20th and Beginning of the 21st Centuries

The article is dedicated to the analysis of ideologically meaningful proper names, mainly oikonyms, and also to the indication and description of the three main tendencies noticed in Ukrainian oikonyms from the end of 1989 until 2016, during the social and political transformations in Ukraine and the decommunization processes connected with it. Using examples, the authors illustrate the phenomenon of korenizatsiya (nativisation), namely the recovery of historical names from before sovietisation, allusiveness, ensuring a neutral nature for names by referring to objects outside the area of politics and ideology, as well as glorification, the honoring and memorializing of events, heroes, and symbols connected with the past and modern history of Ukraine.
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