Essential facts

About the Journal
Aims & Scope
Essential facts

ISSN 0078-4648 | e-ISSN 2658-2783

Name of journal: Onomastica
Since 1955 the journal had had the subtitle Pismo poświęcone nazewnictwu geograficznemu i osobowemu [A journal devoted to geographical and personal names]. In 2002 the subtitle was extended by adding the expression oraz innym nazwom własnym [as well as other proper names]. This subtitle was then replaced with the subtitle Pismo poświęcone teorii i interpretacji nazw własnych [A journal devoted to theory and interpretation of proper names] in 2015.

Established: 1955 

Publishing schedule: Onomastica is an annual journal, volumes are published in the last quarter of every year. Papers may be submitted anytime.

Copyright and Licensing Policy: From vol. 64 (2020) the articles published in Onomastica are available under a Creative Commons licence Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0).

The authors of the accepted contributions are obliged to fill and send a signed statement confirming the transfer of proprietary copyrights to the publisher (download file). The content published in the journal is fully protected by the copyright law. 

Access: Onomastica applies an Open Access policy in line with BOAI principles. An open access to an electronic version of published contributions is provided with no embargo period. The paper volumes are available in the Bookshop of the Institute of Polish Language, PAS

Author Self-Archiving: Authors may make their Onomastica contributions available online in repositories, websites and other platforms.

Archiving: Content of recent volumes is archived in the RCIN repository as well as in the Electronic Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences and at the journal's website.

Author fees: No fees or charges are required for submission processing or publishing.

Peer review process: double-blind peer-review, see: Guide for Reviewers.

Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct: see Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.

Complaint process: If you have any concerns or would like to appeal of an editorial decision or file a complaint, please contact the Director of the Institute of Polish Language ( who will pass your appeal or complaint to the Scientific Council of the Institute of Polish Language which supervises the Journal Onomastica.

Publication Ethics: see Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.

Revenue sources: institutional support. No fees or charges are required from submitting authors or their institutions.

Advertising: No advertisements.

Direct marketing: No direct marketing.

Ownership and management: Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Governing body: Editorial Board and the journal’s Scientific Council, both supervised by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Polish Language (see also: Editorial Board).

Editorial team/contact information: see Editorial Board.