
Before submitting your contribution please read the sections Aims & Scope, Essential facts, and the whole section Ethics and Procedures. Please make sure that your submission complies with the standards discussed there and that you fully agree with the Onomastica publishing policies. For more information on the review process please see: Guide for Reviewers.

The authors of the accepted contributions are obliged to fill and send a signed statement confirming the transfer of proprietary copyrights to the publisher (download template). The content published in the journal is fully protected by the copyright law. The Editors are currently working on introducing a specified type of the Creative Commons license in the future.

  1. The texts may be written in English, Polish, German, French and all Slavic languages. In addition the title, the abstract and the key words must be provided in English as well.

  2. Authors are kindly requested to submit papers (both the full and the anonymized version in two separate files – see below) in the formats .DOC, .DOCX , .RTF or .ODF through the Onomastica Open Journal System (OJS). In order to submit an article, the author must register on the Onomastica website.
  3. In the OJS system, in addition to the text of the article, please provide the title, abstract, keywords (both in the language of the article and in English), list of references (with additional English translations of non-English titles, see examples below) and information about the author. Regardless, these data (both in original language of article and in English) should be placed in the article file.

  4. Submitted files are to be sent in two separate versions: the full version and the anonymized version. Both the full version and the anonymized version of the file must consist of the 1) separate title page and the 2) content of the contribution accompanied by full list of bibliographical references at the end of the text.

  5. The title page must comprise 1) the full authorship credit: the full name(s) of the author or the co-authors together with their affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es), 2) complete acknowledgements, 3) the title of the contribution, and 4) the disclosure of any potential conflict of interests.

  6. In the full version of contribution all information must be present in the form in which it will appear in the published contribution.

  7. In the anonymized version of contribution in the content of the contribution and on the list of bibliographical references at the end of the text all information must be removed that may possibly disclose the authorship of the reviewed text. In the case of self-citations please replace the name of the contributor (both in the text and on the list of references) with the phrase Nomen Auctoris. On the list of bibliographic references please replace all other bibliographic information (excluding the date) with the phrase Opus followed by the number. E.g. the bibliographic entries:

    Malec, M. (2001). Imię w polskiej tradycji i kulturze [The given name in Polish anthroponymy and culture]. Kraków: Wyd. DWN.
    Malec, M. (2015). Kulturowe przyczyny zmian w polskim imiennictwie osobowym (w ujęciu diachronicznym) [Cultural reasons of changes in Polish personal names (diachronic approach)]. Onomastica, 59, 123–136.

    should be anonymized the following way:

    Nomen Auctoris (2001). Opus 1.
    Nomen Auctoris (2015). Opus 2.

    Due to the double-blind peer review process only the content of anonymized versions of contributions will be passed to the reviewers.

  8. The length of an article with spaces and footnotes should be between 20 and 40 thousand characters. The text should be written in 12-point font, with 1,5 line spacing and standard MS Word margins. Please write the headings of subsections in boldface. Subsections should only be numbered if there are at least two heading levels. If a text contains special fonts (e.g. for the transcription of dialects), a file with these fonts, as well as a computer printout or a PDF file with these fonts must be attached. All illustrative material, such as photos, maps, charts etc., must be submitted separately from the main text and must be in one of the following formats: TIFF, PCX, BMP, JPG or EPS, CDR, XLS. Illustrations in PDF format or copied into the body of the article in Word will not be considered for publication.

  9. Please make sure that your text is coherent and well-organized.

  10. Contributions must be accompanied by an abstract in original language and in English. Abstracts should consist of 200–250 words and there should be no more than five keywords in the language of the original and in English. The abstract should be concise, complete and autonomous (as it will be placed in various data bases). It should contain the main theses of the paper, present its aim, the main issue, the research methodology, main findings, and conclusions. An abstract should encourage the reader to read the whole article.

  11. The main text should be followed by a list of references containing all the literature cited in the main text and in the notes, as well as by a list of sources and of the abbreviations used.

  12. Please make sure that the citations and bibliographical references are consistent with the APA standard (for more details see here: Please also translate non-English titles of works into English.


    1. References in the main text:

      W monografii A. Markowskiego (2012, s. 22) pojawia się znamienne stwierdzenie.
      Na równobrzmiące antroponimy patrzy się przez pryzmat nosicieli (Cieślikowa, 1990, s. 6–7).

    2. Citations:

      „Mechanizm słowotwórczy jest silniejszy w sferze nazwisk niż wyrazów pospolitych” (Skowronek, 2001, s. 177).

    3. In bibliographical references at the end of the text:

      - a book by one author:
      Cieślikowa, A. (1990). Staropolskie odapelatywne nazwy osobowe [Old Polish Deappellative Personal Names]. Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.

      - an edited volume:
      Rzetelska-Feleszko, E. (red.). (1998). Polskie nazwy własne. Encyklopedia [Polish Proper Names. Encyclopaedia]. Kraków–Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN.

      - a multi-volume book:
      Rymut, K. (red.). (2001). Nazwy miejscowe Polski. Historia. Pochodzenie. Zmiany [Place Names of Poland. History. Origin. Changes] (Vols. 1–16). Kraków: DWN.

      - an article in a journal:
      Myszka, A. (2014). Struktura wyrazu jako wskaźnik proprialności w toponimii (na przykładzie zapisów z osiemnastowiecznych ksiąg miejskich Rzeszowa) [Structure of a Word as an Indicator of Propriality in Toponymy (as Exemplified in Entries from 18th-century Judical Records of Rzeszów)]. Onomastica, 14, 151–166.

      - an article in an edited volume:
      Kaleta, Z. (1998). Teoria nazw własnych [Theory of Proper Names]. W: E. Rzetelska-Feleszko (red.), Polskie nazwy własne. Encyklopedia [Polish Proper Names. Encyclopaedia] (pp. 15–36). Warszawa–Kraków: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN.

  13. Please write in italics only the words or their parts that are analysed in the article. The titles of books, journals etc. should be put in inverted commas only in the body of the text, not in the notes or bibliography. Meanings of words should be put in single inverted commas (‛ ’). Cyrillic alphabets in bibliographical references should be transliterated according the the standard PN-ISO 9-2000 (the rules may be found here).

  14. In the case of certain well-known onomastic literature, commonly used abbreviations should be used: SL (słownik Lindego), SGPKar (Słownik gwar polskich J. Karłowicza), SGP PAN (Słownik gwar polskich PAN), SJPDor (Słownik języka polskiego, ed. by W. Doroszewski), SJPSzym (Słownik gwar polskich, ed. by M. Szymczak), SStp (Słownik staropolski), SpXVI (Słownik polszczyzny XVI wieku), SW (the so-called słownik warszawski), SWil (the so-called słownik wileński), NMPol (Nazwy miejscowe Polski), SSNO (Słownik staropolskich nazw osobowych), SEMot (Słownik etymologiczno-motywacyjny staropolskich nazw osobowych), AntrPol (Antroponimia Polski od XVI do XVIII wieku).