Vol. 65 No. 2 (2021): Onomastica 65/2
Onomastica 65/2

Volume 65 (No. 1 & 2) of Onomastica is dedicated to the memory of Professor Barbara Czopek-Kopciuch

Click here to go to Onomastica 65/1

Ed. Urszula Bijak. Kraków 2021, 280 pp. 340
ISSN 2658-2783 (Online)
ISSN 0078-4648 (Print)
List of reviewers of the Onomastica 65

Language editors:
Dagmara Świerkowska (Polish), Aeddan Shaw (English), Inge Bily (German), Miroslava Kyseľová (Slovak)
Publishing editor: Dagmara Świerkowska
DTP and typesetting: Andrzej Choczewski / Wydawnictwo JAK (www.wydawnictwojak.pl)

© Copyright by Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN, Kraków 2021


Richard Coates (United Kingdom)
pp. 5-19
Some thoughts on the theoretical status of ethnonyms and demonyms
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Wojciech Włoskowicz (Poland)
pp. 21-39
On the nature of properhood. On the quest for an onomastic definition of a proper name
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Piotr Żmigrodzki (Poland)
pp. 41-53
Proper names and their derivatives in the “Polish Academy of Sciences Great Dictionary of Polish”. The plans, the present state and the prospects for the future
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Artur Gałkowski (Poland)
pp. 55-74
Terminology peculiarities among onomastic meta-names in French, English and Italian
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Jadwiga Waniakowa (Poland)
pp. 75-86
An attempt to systematize Polish cosmonomastic terminology
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Artur Rejter (Poland)
pp. 87-102
Proper names in medieval literature and the imagery of the Old-Polish language
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Magdalena Graf (Poland)
pp. 103-118
"There are not enough mouths to utter all your fleeting names, o water" — proper names in Wisława Szymborska's works
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Anna Tyrpa (Poland)
pp. 119-135
What were the names of Mieszko I’s wives? Literary anthroponymy
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Maria Biolik (Poland)
pp. 137-149
The polyfunctionality of surnames in Walenty Barczewski's work “Kiermasy na WarmiiI”"
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Rafał Zarębski (Poland)
pp. 151-164
Geographical names from 17th century Poland and the neighbouring regions in the diary of Franciszek Dalerac titled “Les anecdotes de Pologne ou memoires secrets du regne de Jean Sobieski III du nom”
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Renata Kucharzyk (Poland)
pp. 165-177
Dialectal forms of women's names in Internet communication
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Halina Kurek (Poland)
pp. 165-188
Failure to inflect first names and surnames, or a new way of avoiding inflection by the Church (based on the example of selected parishes in Podkarpacie)
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Zofia Abramowicz (Poland)
pp. 189-236
Phonetic processes in the inlaut of Christian names of Podlasie people in the 16th-17th centuries. Vocalism
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Małgorzata Dawidziak-Kładoczna (Poland)
pp. 237-254
What do nicknames say about politicians? — based on the examples of contamination motivated by an anthroponym and a common noun
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Paula Sjöblom (Finland)
pp. 255-270
Communicating with brand names in the sustainable Finnish fashion industry
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Irena Kałużyńska (Poland)
pp. 271-283
Language strategies for the adaptation of Western brand names in Taiwan
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Małgorzata Rutkiewicz-Hanczewska (Poland)
pp. 285-303
Polish and Ukrainian names of companies of sweets and their products in a comparative approach
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Materials & announcements

Wolfgang Ahrens (Canada), Sheila Embleton (Canada)
pp. 305-315
Contemporary trends in names of wines and wineries in the English-speaking world
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In Memoriam

Walter Wenzel (Germany)
pp. 337-338
Heinz Schuster-Šewc (1927‒2021)
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